Omega Vehicle Security Thermometer DP97 User Manual

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A high precision portable thermometer for metrology and other exacting laboratory  
applications, the DP97 is a proven instrument used world wide as a laboratory and site  
standard in pharmaceuticals, medical, food, environmental testing, R & D, and general  
industrial applications.  
It is particularly suitable as the reference standard for  
temperature calibration baths.  
The DP97 Digital Thermometer utilises highly advanced microprocessor circuit design to  
achieve exceptional measuring accuracy, linearisation conformity and stability in a  
versatile but easy to use configuration.  
Based on a high resolution 20 Bit Analogue to Digital Converter, all measurement  
computations are performed digitally without drift. The 5 digit LED display provides a  
readout to 0.01°C over the entire –199.99 to +849.99°C range; alternatively °F, Kelvin or  
Ohms values can be displayed up to 999.99 units.  
Single or dual Pt100 3 or 4 wire sensors are accepted; the DP97 will automatically  
recognise and select 3 or 4 wire mode. Display of input A, B OR a-B (differential) can  
be selected; a differential “zero function” allows sensor accuracy differences to be  
eliminated for accurate differential readings.  
An RS232 interface (remote control and measure) is fitted as standard and isolation is  
incorporated. An analogue (retransmission) output is also fitted as standard; the 1V dc  
output is programmable between lower and upper set limits.  
Calibrated sensors can have their calibration points programmed into the DP97 via a  
personal computer using Labfacility software. The instrument then digitally self  
calibrates to the probe(s) providing corrected temperature readout to give optimum  
system accuracy.  
The non-volatile memory ensures permanent retention of the values until the user  
wishes to re-programme using the software, preventing unauthorised personnel from  
changing the values.  
Primary power is provided by an internal, re-chargeable sealed lead-acid battery, which  
provides in excess of 12 hours operation from a full charge. A mains adapter is  
provided for re-charging and for operation directly from the mains.  
A range of precision stainless steel sheath Pt100 probes is available for the DP97.  
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Front Panel Information at a Glance: when you switch on  
To obtain a reading from a temperature sensor, select channel A or B (1) and select the  
required units (2).  
The appropriate indicator LED indicates the selected channel and units. For version 2.1,  
the A and/or B LED indicators, according to the channel selected, cycle between a  
steady on state and a brief off state (occulting) when corrections are stored and applied  
to measurements (not applicable to version 1.4). To read differential temperatures from  
two sensors, select channel A-B (1) and select the required units (2).  
To set an A-B reading of zero to “null out” probe differences, press NULL (3).  
Error Indications:  
The DP97 has several modes of error indication according to internal or external  
problems. Refer to section 3,4 for details.  
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Back Panel  
The standard version is for bench-top use. Retractable legs can be  
extended to provide a convenient viewing angle.  
The optional version permits the installation of the DP97 into a  
suitable panel cut out.  
Supply Connection  
Primary power is provided by the internal, rechargeable sealed lead-acid battery which  
provides up to 12 hours operation from a full charge. The external supply adapter for  
recharging and also allows operation directly from a 220/240V 50/60Hz supply (or 110V  
50/60Hz to special order). The output lead with its fitted connector is connected to the  
appropriate rear panel mating connector.  
Internal battery power can provide operation for up to 12 hours from full charge. Low  
battery charge state is indicated by “bAtt” on the display.  
Input Connections – Sensors  
Platinum Resistance Thermometer(s) (Pt100) must be fitted with a high quality D-plug  
and connected to INPUT A and/or INPUT B as required. A 3 OR 4 wire configuration  
can be used but they are connected differently as shown. The DP97 will automatically  
sense which configuration is employed.  
Special care must be taken when connecting 3 wire resistance thermometer  
terminations to the connector pins. A good crimp must be achieved to avoid Ohmic  
contacts, which would result in reading errors. Only use good quality connectors with  
gold contact material; the OMEGA D type is recommended.  
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Ensure that the instrument is connected to a suitable supply or has charged batteries  
and that the required input connections are made.  
Switch “on” using the rear mounted rocker switch.  
The display will show “Pr 2.1” or “Pr 1.4” the programme designation. There is a short  
delay while internal checks are carried out, then the input A value will be displayed.  
To read sensor temperature directly  
a) PRT input A is automatically selected at switch-on. Brief repeated  
key presses will step through the various functions or holding  
the key depressed will auto repeat (scroll through); this applies  
to the other functions as well.  
Note: If for any selected channel, the sensor is either not connected or has a faulty  
connection (including sensor open-circuit), the LED display will show:- “Err 3”  
Press any button to resume normal operation (either select another channel or rectify  
any fault and continue intended use).  
Press CHANNEL to select inputs A,B or A-B (differential).  
Press UNITS to display the desired units °C, °F, K, or W  
To read Differential Temperature  
The difference in temperature between two PRT sensors can be obtained  
by displaying A-B.  
Ensure that the necessary sensors are connected to both A and B inputs  
as required.  
Press CHANNEL to select A-B  
Press UNITS to display the desired units  
The value now displayed is the difference between the input A and input B  
(A-B) for the sensor type indicated.  
Null Feature  
For calorimetry and other applications to optimise the precision of differential  
measurements, probe tolerances can be nulled by pressing the NULL key when in A-B  
mode. This gives an A-B reading of zero when pressed regardless of any real difference  
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Matching DP97 to Calibrated Sensors  
It is possible to automatically match the DP97 to a Pt100 sensor with up to  
10 dedicated calibration values. Such values, published in an associated  
certificate indicate true W versus °C values corresponding to accurately  
known reference temperatures. Up to 10 sets of values per sensor can be  
fed into the instrument via the RS232 interface using the associated  
software supplied with each version 2.1 instrument as standard.  
By matching the instrument to a probe on this basis, “corrected”  
temperature readings are obtained directly without the need for cross-  
referencing to temperature/resistance tables or to the calibration  
certificate. This is particularly helpful when taking differential (A-B)  
Refer to sections 6 and 7 for details.  
Error Indications  
The DP97 has several modes of error indication according to internal or  
external problems as follows:  
Err 1  
Err 2  
Err 3  
Err 4  
Calibration lost (very unlikely)  
Software fault  
Broken probe connection  
RS 232 command error  
“Low” battery  
Over-range input  
Under-range input  
Only Err 1 / Err 2 would require returning the instrument to our factory.  
During normal operation, if a selected probe is disconnected from the  
instrument the display will indicate Err 3 (broken probe indication). If the same probe is  
re-connected, Err 3 will remain on the display until any key is pressed.  
¾ Wire Recognition  
DP97 requires a minimum of 80mW lead resistance (eg. 1 metre of 7  
stranded 0.2 mm² wire) to recognise a 4 wire probe. Otherwise the  
instrument will default (perhaps incorrectly) to 3 wire mode.  
If a simulator is used to apply resistance values to check or calibrate the  
DP97 ensure that at least 80mW of lead resistance exists between the  
simulator and the D plug.  
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If using a shorter leadout from the probe or thicker gauge cable, please  
ensure that the DP97 is in the correct wire recognition mode. This can be  
checked by pressing the SPAN  
button ONCE.  
Two numbers will be displayed e.g. 3-4. The first digit being the X  
parameter (e.g.3) and the second digit being the Y parameter (e.g.4).  
These displayed numbers will only be displayed momentarily.  
Caution, pressing the SPAN  
button more than once or holding it down  
continuously will alter the X-Y setting.  
X Parameter  
This is a configurable parameter. If the probe configuration is 4 wire but  
has a lead resistance of less than 80mW per leg, he instrument may  
recognise it as a 3 wire probe (showing 3-3); the SPAN  
may be used to  
force the instrument into a 4 wire measurement mode by pressing SPAN  
until X = 4. To verify, allow the DP97 to ead the currently selected  
channel and press SPAN  
once; the display will now show 4-4.  
X = 3  
X = 4  
3 or 4 wire mode is allowable on either channel A or B i.e. A4, B3 or A3,  
B4 or A3, B3 or A4; B4 (if both probes are 4 wire). I.e. 3 or 4 wire auto  
4 wire mode is mandatory on both channels A & B I.E. A4, B4.  
Y Parameter  
The Y parameter gives the actual measuring mode of the currently  
selected channel (except differential).  
Y = 3  
Y = 4  
3 wire measuring  
4 wire measuring  
Differential Mode  
In A-B mode the SPAN  
figure is not to be relied upon because the values  
displayed will be for the last channel which has been read by the instrument and  
this could be A OR B.  
In order to verify status of each channel, select the channels A and B individually.  
Re-calibration of the DP97 is unlikely to be required routinely unless specified by user  
regulations. If this is performed by someone other than the supplier, guarantee of  
specification compliance may be invalid.  
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The calibration kit option (two precision resistors) is required to perform re-calibration.  
No additional instruments are required since the DP97 self-calibrates as follows:  
Caution: Do not proceed unless specified resistors are available. Failure to do so  
may invalidate the warranty.  
With the supply disconnected, remove the instrument  
case cover by removing the two screws on the rear  
panel and sliding the cover off the rear of the  
Insert the jumper JP1 (shorting connector) – this  
places the DP97 into self-calibrating mode.  
Connect the supply and switch on*. Calibration is  
simply a matter of connecting the precision resistors in  
sequence. The necessary value of the resistor, together  
with the input to which it has to be applied is indicated  
on the display. The steps are as follows:  
*At this point, the existing calibration has now been over-written by default  
values. The procedure should therefore now be completed.  
Connect 100 Ohm calibration resistor to PRT INPUT a.  
Press “SPAN ” and display will show a value close to 100 Ohms. If the  
value shown is wrong by more than 1.00 Ohms, a fault exists and the  
Instrument must be returned for rectification.  
Press “SPAN ” again and the instrument will compute the average value  
of 16 readings of the resistor value.  
When the display reads “A = 250”, connect the 250 Ohm calibration  
resistor to input A.  
Press “SPAN ” and display will show a value close to 250 Ohms. If the  
value shown is wrong by more than 1.00 Ohms, a fault exists and the  
instrument must be returned for rectification.  
Press “SPAN ” again and the instrument will compute the average value  
of 16 readings of the resistor value.  
Repeat steps (I) to (vi) for input B.  
The DP97 then returns to a normal power-up state, PRT A, degrees C.  
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Switch off the Instrument  
1) Remove the jumper lead JP1. This is VITAL.  
Should the instrument be switched on with JP1  
In position, the calibration is lost.  
2) Replace the instrument cover.  
The instrument is now ready for normal use. The central processor is software  
driven and no other adjustments or modifications should be attempted. If it is  
necessary for the supplier to re-calibrate an instrument in consequences of  
unauthorised persons so doing, a charge may be made accordingly  
This output varies linearly between 0 and 1 volt dc. The output will be 0V whenever the  
reading of the instrument is at or below the zero parameter as set by front panel button  
pushes or RS232 commands. The output will be at 1 V whenever the reading is at the  
span parameter as set by the user. Any reading between zero and span will result in an  
Analogue output signal proportional to the position of the reading with respect o the  
defined zero and span values. To set-up the output values:  
1) Zero:  
Press “SHIFT” and “ZERO ” to raise the value (in current units) at which  
a zero output will occur.  
Press “SHIFT” and “ZERO ” to reduce the value in a similar way.  
2) Span:  
Press “SHIFT” and “SPAN ” to raise the value (in current units)  
at which a SPAN (1V) output will occur.  
Press “SHIFT” and “SPAN ” to reduce the value in a similar way.  
The size of the increment is 0.1 Ohm. This is necessary so as to eliminate the  
requirements of working from degrees in temperature (K, C or F) back to Ohms. If  
setting up in degrees, some odd looking numbers may occur on the display.  
The output falls to 0V in the event of the selected span value being exceeded; this is  
done to indicate such a condition.  
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Remote control will be seized by sending an RS232 character, and relinquished by  
sending the LOCAL command. While in remote control the front panel buttons will be  
locked out (inoperative) and the right hand decimal point will indicate remote operation  
(local lock-out). RS232 parameters will be a fixed baud ate and word length. 9600  
Baud, 8 Data, No parity, 1 stop bit.  
Remote control of calibration has not been included. (Refer to section 4).  
Command strings are limited to a single statement action will occur on receipt of  
The “end of line” character. All actions will return a status character followed by  
Data if appropriate. The status will be “ ” for a successful transaction; Other  
values indicate syntax error, broken probe etc.  
All commands may be abbreviated to their first two letters eg. UNITS OHMS  
becomes UN OH. Input delimiters will be spaces or commas.  
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Command set:  
Display parameters:  
Analogue parameters:  
Value in Ohms  
ZERO Value in Ohms  
Return to Local:  
Output Protocol  
Replies will depend on the command implemented, and will be numeric or – with  
commas and spaces as delimiters. All replies will be terminated by CR and LF. The  
first number will be an error code.  
No error  
Calibration lost (EEPROM corruption)  
Broken probe  
Syntax error  
There will be no further numbers if:  
There is an error  
The primary command was UNITS, INPUT or LOCAL  
Further output will be provided in the case of MEASURE, DUMP (DIAGNOSE).  
Eg. If output is 0, 2351.7  
First number  
- error code  
Second number  
- value in units set by previous commands  
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For digital probe matching within the instrument (version 2.1 only) additional  
commands are used as follows:  
(turns OFF B corrections)  
(turns OFF A corrections)  
Turns A on  
Turns B on  
(turns ON BOTH A & B corrections)  
OFF (turns OFF BOTH A & B corrections)  
Whatever is set by this command is retained during power-down.  
Lists Ch A corrections  
Lists Ch B corrections  
Enter Ch A corrections  
Enter Ch B corrections  
Says “Not enabled”, “A”, “B”, “AB”  
Disables corrections  
Enables corrections  
Initialise corrections (i.e.Erase) – useful after installing software  
*For these commands to be actioned theSPAN key must be pressed as the  
command is typed.  
Corrections entered as Follows  
TM Sends  
How Many Points  
CA <CR>  
2 <CR>  
Entry=/0 Ohms  
100,000 <CR>  
0.000 <CR>  
Y <CR>  
Deg C?  
0100.0000 Ohms 0000.0000 Deg C ok?  
Entry=/1 Ohms  
138.510 <GR>  
100.000 <CR>  
Y <CR>  
Deg C?  
0138.5100 Ohms 0100.0000 Deg C ok?  
This would repeat for more points.  
Pressing N at the ok? Prompt will allow re-entry of the point.  
Once entered, type LA OR LB TO SEE/CONFIRM CONTENTS.  
Rules of entry.  
1) Ohmic values must always increment from point to point  
2) All values must be entered to THREE decimal places i.e:- .001,0.001,10.001 are all?  
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Note: Use of the DP97 “CORRECTIONS PC SOFTWARE” supplied with the instrument  
facilitate the correction procedure by means of a much simplified, user-friendly approach  
described below.  
7. USE OF CORRECTIONS PC SOFTWARE for Digital Probe Matching  
a) Instrument set-up and software loading  
PC Requirements: Any PC running in MS-DOS and having a 3½” disk drive,  
mouse and mouse driver installed, (the software can be used without a mouse; use  
up/down arrows and/or ALT key with the highlighted letter in each function box). A  
printer will allow hard copies to be taken.  
Using DP97 software & RS232 interface lead.  
i) Connect the RS232 interface lead to the DP97 and to the PC according to the  
Pin configuration shown in section 6).  
ii) Switch on the instrument and PC  
At the C:\> prompt, select the drive (if this is the correct drive for the PC in  
use) i.e. C:\a: “ENTER”  
At the a:\> prompt type “TM-C” and “ENTER”. If using comms port 2, type  
After the introduction screen, the MAIN MENU will appear (refer to MAIN  
MENU diagram).  
Note 1: These instructions are included in the software as the “text file” and can be  
Viewed or printed out as required.  
Note 2: Prior to despatch the DP97 and PC software should be “enabled” for normal  
operation. In the unlikely event of a communications problem between the  
two items, please perform the following procedure: With all set-up actions  
completed the Main Menu on the PC screen, press the SPAN  
key on  
the DP97 whilst simultaneously clicking on theenable button on the Main  
Menu. To check, click the Query button and the status box should confirm  
enabled. Normal operation can now be carried out.  
Note 3: To prevent corrections being programmed into the DP97 click on disable  
Button. See Note 2 to re-enable.  
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b) Using the software  
From MAIN MENU:-  
To input calibration values into the DP97 (up to 10 may be used per channel):  
Click EDIT to obtain EDIT corrections menu.  
Enter values against #01 through #10 but note that  
All 10 need not be entered  
When returning to main menu the Ù values are sorted into ascending order.  
If the corresponding °C values are not in ascending order, the status box  
will show Error.  
All values must be entered with up to three decimal places e.g. 0.001,  
10.001 etc. Both °C and Ù values must be entered.  
Click return to Main Menu  
From Main Menu, click FILES to obtain Load/Save/Print Menu  
Key file name into ‘CURRENT SELECTION’ File names end with .COR eg.  
EXPI.COR. If .COR is not keyed in, it will be added automatically when ENTER  
is pressed or OK clicked.  
Note: File name should be cross referred to probe serial number.  
Click SAVE to save file  
Click LOAD to load data  
Click RETURN TO MAIN MENU and note loaded values are shown under  
“Calibration Points”  
Click CHANNEL A <-> B  
Click SEND to transmit correction values to DP97  
Click CORRECT A, B OR A + B to switch on corrections  
Note: Red dot in lower right hand corner of DP97 display window lights during “comms”  
Observe Channel A/B status LED on DP97 occults to indicate corrections stored  
Within defined range. If this does not occult, probe reading does not lie within  
corrections range and corrections are not used.  
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Stored values can be viewed at any time as follows:  
From Main Menu, click CHANNEL to select channels A OR B  
Click READ  
Stored values can be changed at any time by repeating input procedure. Stored  
Values can be cleared from the DP97 at any time as follows:  
From Main Menu, click CHANNEL A <-> B  
Click PRINT in load/save/print menu to print out corrections. To exit programme  
and return to DOS, click EXIT on Main Menu.  
Note: Although the DP97 stores only one set of corrections for each channel, the  
number saved in the software is limited only by available diskette space. Data for many  
probes can thus be stored.  
When using corrections the DP97 channel annunciation lights (A or B) will occult at 4  
second intervals according to the channel selected. In A-B mode channel A and/or B  
annunciation lights occult at 8 second intervals.  
It is important to note that the DP97 will revert to its standard resistance versus  
temperature values for Pt100 sensors and the channel annunciation light will illuminate  
normally, ie.the instrument interpolates only and will not extrapolate to extend  
corrections outside the range entered.  
When calibrating probes alone, prior to programming corrections into the DP97, we  
recommend calibrating at a point slightly higher and a point slightly lower (e.g. by 5°C)  
than the maximum and minimum temperatures expected for the probe in use. This  
ensures corrections are always applied during normal operation. We recommend a  
minimum of three correction values are programmed. The DP97 corrects only in  
temperature (°C, °F, K). The Ohms value is not affected. Therefore, when measuring in  
Ohms in corrected mode channel annunciation lights will not occult.  
All values are valid for a nominal 110v/240v 50Hz supply and 20°C ambient temperature  
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Range/Sensor type  
Pt100 to IEC 751 (ITS 90 refers). –199.99 to 849.99°C.Ro=  
100W. Two input channels, each 3 or 4 wire connection with  
automatic recognition (with manual overrride).  
Overall Instrument  
Accuracy (4 wire)  
±0.02°C ± 1 digit for range -200°C to +500°C.  
±0.005% reading ± 1 digit for range 500°C to 850°C.  
Overall System  
Better than ±0.04°C with TM-l250 precision probe accuracy  
(4 wire) from -50°C to +250°C with 5 point NAMAS  
(vs ambient  
0.0025°C/°C ambient change.  
Warm-up Time  
Negligible under normal ambient conditions. Allow 5 to 10  
minutes for full stability unless stored at low temperature,  
then allow 30 minutes minimum.  
Pt100 Sensor Current  
0.5mA nominal.  
Display Resolution  
Measurement Units  
Measurement Modes  
0.01°C, K, °F, W.  
°C, °F, K, W (user selectable).  
Input A or B or A-B (differential). Null facility in A-B mode.  
Custom Calibration  
(via PC software)  
Up to 10 calibration values can be allocated to (via PC  
software) channels A and B. Values are retained in non-  
volatile memory until replaced by user.  
Null Function  
Corrects differential temperature readout between the two  
Sensors to zero.  
Sensor Lead  
25W each lead maximum.  
Page 17  
Internal rechargeable batteries. Mains 110/240V 50/60Hz,  
adapter included. Battery charge life up to 12 hours with full  
charge dependent on pattern of usage.  
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Charger requirement 10 – 11.5V d.c. 1A.  
10W nominal. Max 20W when battery is charging.  
60dB @ 50Hz (50mV rms applied).  
Power Consumption  
Series Mode Rejection  
Common Mode  
30V rms applied between input and earth produces no  
measurable effect.  
Ambient Temperature  
0-50°C non-condensing. Ensure stable temperature range  
for best accuracy. Allow adequate warm-up time if moved  
from region of low ambient temperature prior to use.  
EMC Compliance  
Meets EMC regulations. RFI to BS EN50081-1, 1992 and  
immunity to BS.EN 50082-1, 1992.  
CE Compliance  
CE marked and compliant to current regulations.  
14mm LED, 5 DIGIT, 999.99 range.  
5 x membrane keys for user functions.  
2 x Pt100.via “D” connectors  
Front Panel Controls  
Input Connections  
Metal bench-top. Optional panel mounting kit.  
145 x 66 x 240mm deep.  
1.5Kg approximately.  
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RS232 (standard)  
Remote control and measure, Isolated, 9600 Baud, 8 data,  
no parity, 1 stop bit.  
PC Software  
PC software running in MS DOS allows programming  
(standard) of custom calibration and preview of set values  
from a PC. Also provides a print facility and storage of sets  
of correction values.  
Analogue Output  
Analogue 0 to 1 Volt d.c. between programmable (standard)  
lower case and upper set limits representing channel A, B  
or A-B. Accuracy 0.5% of reading. Non-isolated.  
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OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a  
period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period  
to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s  
customers receive maximum coverage on each product.  
If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will  
issue an Authorised Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination By OMEGA,  
if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply  
to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing,  
operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorised modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the  
units shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of  
excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other  
operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components, which wear, are not warranted, including but not  
limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.  
OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither  
assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the  
us of its products in accordance with information supplied by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA  
warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO  
remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this  
order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not  
exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable  
for consequential, incidental or special damages.  
CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic  
Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NCR), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications  
or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application,  
used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic  
WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless  
from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.  
Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE  
DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any  
The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in  
the following information available BEFORE  
contacting OMEGA:  
for current repair charges. Have the following  
information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:  
1. Purchase Order number under which  
the product was PURCHASED.  
2. Model and serial number of the product  
under warranty, and  
3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems  
relative to the product.  
1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of  
the repair,  
2. Model and serial number of the product, and  
3. Repair instructions and/or Specific problems  
relative to the product.  
OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords  
our customers the latest in technology and engineering.  
OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.  
© Copyright 2000 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copies,  
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