Nvidia Computer Hardware ST380023AS User Manual

Release Note  
This document has been modified from the original Nvidia Media Shield User’s Guide.  
Some of the Nvidia screen captures may be different than your system.  
Please Note: In order to access the RAID utility, press F10 repeatedly once the boot  
screen appears.  
Press Ctrl-X to exit the RAID utility, it will automatically save any changes.  
There is not an option to exit without saving changes.  
Windows Vista sees the RAID as a single logical drive, but it does not “color code” it as  
a RAID storage solution in Administrative Tools. The RAID logical drive is color coded  
the same as a single physical drive.  
The RAID utility does not auto-rebuild a defective or replacement RAID HDD. The  
rebuild process must be initiated in the RAID utility. The rebuild process may take  
several hours depending on the size of the drives.  
Here are some additional RAID definitions that may prove useful when configuring the  
RAID array.  
Striping = RAID 0  
Mirroring = RAID 1  
Stripe Mirroring = RAID 0+1  
RAID 5 = RAID 5  
Spanning = JBOD  
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NVIDIA Applications  
MediaShield User’s Guide Version 3.1  
Published by  
NVIDIA Corporation  
2701 San Tomas Expressway  
Santa Clara, CA 95050  
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no  
responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of  
third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent  
rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.  
This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not  
authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of  
NVIDIA Corporation.  
NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, MediaShield, 3DFX, 3DFX INTERACTIVE, the 3dfx Logo, STB, STB Systems and  
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© 2004–2005 by NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.  
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C H A P T E R  
NVIDIA brings Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) technology—which is  
used by the world’s leading businesses—to the common PC desktop. This technology  
uses multiple drives to either increase total disk space or to offer data protection.  
RAID techniques were first published in 1988 by a multivendor consortium—the RAID  
Advisory Board. RAID techniques were divided into different categories or levels.  
Originally, RAID levels focused on improving resiliency or data availability. As  
additional RAID levels were defined, one was introduced for improving performance. For  
all levels, RAID techniques optimize storage solutions by using multiple disks grouped  
This chapter describes NVIDIA RAID in the following sections:  
“System Requirements” on page 2.  
“RAID Arrays” on page 3 describes the RAID levels supported by NVIDIA RAID.  
“NVIDIA RAID Features” on page 9 describes additional features offered by NVIDIA  
NVIDIA Corporation  
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RAID Arrays  
This section describes the following types of RAID arrays that MediaShield supports:  
RAID 0  
RAID 0 defines a disk striping scheme that improves the disk read and write times for  
many applications.  
RAID 1  
RAID 1 defines techniques for mirroring data.  
RAID 0+1  
RAID 0+1 combines the techniques used in RAID 0 and RAID 1 arrays.  
RAID 5  
RAID 5 provides fault tolerance and better utilization of disk capacity.  
JBOD provides a method for combining drives of different sizes into one large disk.  
Note: Not all nForce platforms provide support for all the RAID levels listed.  
1. RAID 5 is supported on select boards only. Please check with your motherboard manufacturer to deter-  
mine whether RAID 5 is supported for the type and model of your motherboard.  
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RAID 0  
How RAID 0 Works  
In a RAID 0 array, the controller ʺstripesʺ data across multiple drives in the RAID  
subsystem. RAID 0 breaks up a large file into smaller blocks and then performs disk reads  
and writes across multiple drives in parallel. The size of each block is determined by the  
stripe size parameter, which you set during the creation of the RAID 0 set. Performance of  
applications running with a RAID 0 can vary greatly depending on the stripe size  
configured when creating the array. The default stripe size is 64K, but 32K or 16K may be  
more efficient if the application issues many smaller I/O operations. Some amount of trial  
and error may be appropriate to find the optimum stripe size.  
Figure 1.1 RAID 0 Array Diagram  
RAID 0 is ideal for applications that require high bandwidth but do not require fault  
tolerance. RAID 0 has the best performance and capacity of any RAID level, but the lowest  
availability (no fault tolerance). If one drive fails, the entire array fails because part of the  
data is missing with no way to recover it other than restoring from a backup.  
Summary of Features and Benefits  
Benefits: Provides increased data throughput, especially for large files.  
Drawbacks: No fault tolerance—all data is lost if any drive in the array fails.  
Uses: Intended for non-critical data requiring high data throughput, or any  
environment that does not require fault tolerance.  
Drives: Minimum: 1. Maximum: Up to 8, depending on the platform.  
Fault Tolerance: No.  
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RAID 1  
How RAID 1 Works  
In a RAID 1 array, every read and write is carried out in parallel across two disk drives.  
The mirrored—or backup—copy of the data can reside on the same disk or on a second  
redundant drive in the array. RAID 1 provides a hot-standby copy of data if the active  
volume or drive is corrupted or becomes unavailable due to a hardware failure. RAID 1  
techniques can be applied for high-availability solutions, or as a form of automatic backup  
that eliminates tedious manual backups to more expensive and less reliable media.  
Figure 1.2 RAID 1 Array Diagram  
RAID 1 provides complete data redundancy, but at the cost of doubling the required data  
storage capacity, resulting in 50% capacity utilization. Performance is roughly the same as  
for a single drive, although in some instances the dual write may be somewhat slower.  
Summary of Features and Benefits  
Benefits: Provides 100% data redundancy. Should one drive fail, the controller  
switches to the other drive.  
Drawbacks: Requires two drives for the storage space of one drive. Performance is  
impaired during drive rebuilds.  
Uses: RAID 1 is ideal for small databases or any other application that requires fault  
tolerance and minimal capacity.  
Drives: Minimum, 2. Maximum, 2.  
Fault Tolerance: Yes  
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RAID 0+1  
How RAID 0+1 Works  
RAID 0 drives can be mirrored using RAID 1 techniques, resulting in a RAID 0+1 solution  
for improved performance plus resiliency.  
Figure 1.3 RAID 0+1 Array Diagram  
The controller combines the performance of data striping (RAID 0) and the fault tolerance  
of disk mirroring (RAID 1). Data is striped across multiple drives and duplicated on  
another set of drives.  
Summary of Features and Benefits  
Benefits: Optimizes for both fault tolerance and performance, allowing for automatic  
redundancy. May be simultaneously used with other RAID levels in an array, and  
allows for spare disks.  
Drawbacks: Requires twice the available disk space for data redundancy, the same as  
RAID level 1.  
Drives: Minimum: 4. Maximum: 6 or 8, depending on the platform.  
Fault Tolerance: Yes  
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RAID 5  
How RAID 5 Works  
RAID 5 stripes both data and parity information across three or more drives. It writes data  
and parity blocks across all the drives in the array. Fault tolerance is maintained by  
ensuring that the parity information for any given block of data is placed on a different  
drive from those used to store the data itself.  
Figure 1.4 RAID 5 Array Diagram  
Summary of Features and Benefits  
Benefits: An ideal combination of good performance, good fault tolerance, and high  
capacity and storage efficiency.  
Drawbacks: Individual block data transfer rate same as a single disk. Write  
performance can be CPU intensive.  
Uses: RAID 5 is recommended for transaction processing and general purpose service.  
Drives: Minimum, 3  
Fault Tolerance: Yes  
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How JBOD Works  
JBOD stands for “Just a Bunch of Disks”. Each drive is accessed as if it were on a standard  
SCSI host bus adapter. This is useful when a single drive configuration is needed, but it  
offers no speed improvement or fault tolerance.  
Figure 1.5 JBOD Array Diagram  
Summary of Features and Benefits  
Benefits: JBOD provides the ability to combine odd size drives using all of the capacity  
of the drives.  
Drawbacks: No additional fault tolerance or performance relative to individual disks.  
Uses: JBOD works best if you have odd sized drives and you want to combine them to  
make one big drive.  
Fault Tolerance: No  
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C H A P T E R  
This chapter provides instructions for:  
Setting Up a Non-Bootable RAID Array  
Setting Up a Bootable RAID Array  
Setting Up a Non-Bootable RAID Array  
RAID arrays can be created/deleted using both MediaShield RAID BIOS and the  
MediaShield RAID Manager from Windows. This section only covers basic BIOS setup  
required for non-bootable array. See the section ʺSetting Up a Bootable RAID Array” for  
instructions on configuring the RAID array in BIOS. See sections on using the  
MediaShield RAID Manager for details on configuring non-bootable RAID from  
Setting Up the BIOS  
1 Start your computer, then press Delete to enter the BIOS setup.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
The BIOS CMOS Setup Utility window appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
Load Fail-Safe Defaults  
Load Optimized Defaults  
Set Supervisor Password  
Standard CMOS Features  
Advanced BIOS Features  
Advanced Chipset Features  
Integrated Peripherals  
Power Management Setup  
PnP / PCI Configurations  
Set User Password  
Save & Exit Setup  
Exit Without Saving  
Esc : Quit  
F10 : Save & Exit Setup  
: Select Item  
Onboard IO, IRQ, DMA Assignment ...  
Figure 2.1 BIOS CMOS Setup Utility Main Window  
2 Use the arrow keys to select Integrated Peripherals (see Figure 2.1), then press Enter.  
The Integrated Peripherals window appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
Integrated Peripherals  
Item Help  
[Press Enter]  
RAID Config  
OnChip IDE Channel0  
Primary Master PIO  
Primary Slave  
Primary Master UDMA  
Primary Slave UDMA  
Menu Level  
[PCI Slot]  
[V1.1 - V2.0]  
OnChip IDE Channel1  
Secondary Master PIO  
Secondary Slave PIO  
Secondary Master UDMA  
Secondary Slave UDMA  
IDE Prefetch Mode  
Init Display First  
OnChip USB  
USB Keyboard Support  
USB Mouse Support  
Serial - ATA  
SATA Spread Spectrum  
AC97 Audio  
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help  
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults  
Figure 2.2 Integrated Peripherals Window  
3 Use the arrow keys to select the RAID Config (see Figure 2.2), then press Enter.  
MediaShield User’s Guide – Version 3.1  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
The RAID Config window appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
RAID Config  
Item Help  
RAID Enable  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Disabled]  
SATA 1 Primary  
SATA 1 Secondary  
SATA 2 Primary  
Menu Level  
SATA 2 Secondary  
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help  
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults  
Figure 2.3 RAID Config Window  
4 From the RAID Config window, globally enable RAID, then enable the SATA ports  
with disks that you want to use for RAID.  
If RAID is enabled globally but not enabled on the individual SATA port, disks on that  
port can only be used for non-RAID applications.  
In the example in Figure 2.3, three SATA ports are enabled, so the non-bootable RAID  
array can include up to 3 SATA disks. If there is a disk Connected to ʺSATA 2  
Secondaryʺ, it can not be used for RAID.  
5 Press F10 to save the configuration and exit.  
The PC reboots.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
Setting Up a Bootable RAID Array  
This section explains how to configure a bootable NVIDIA RAID array.  
Setting Up the BIOS  
1 Start your computer, then press Delete to enter the BIOS setup.  
The BIOS CMOS Setup Utility screen appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
Load Fail-Safe Defaults  
Load Optimized Defaults  
Set Supervisor Password  
Standard CMOS Features  
Advanced BIOS Features  
Advanced Chipset Features  
Integrated Peripherals  
Set User Password  
Save & Exit Setup  
Exit Without Saving  
Power Management Setup  
PnP / PCI Configurations  
Esc : Quit  
F10 : Save & Exit Setup  
: Select Item  
Onboard IO, IRQ, DMA Assignment ...  
Figure 2.5 BIOS CMOS Setup Utility Main Screen  
2 Use the arrow keys to select Integrated Peripherals (see Figure 2.5), then press Enter.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
The Integrated Peripherals screen (or a screen similar to it) appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
Integrated Peripherals  
Item Help  
[Press Enter]  
RAID Config  
OnChip IDE Channel0  
Primary Master PIO  
Primary Slave  
Primary Master UDMA  
Primary Slave UDMA  
Menu Level  
[PCI Slot]  
[V1.1 - V2.0]  
OnChip IDE Channel1  
Secondary Master PIO  
Secondary Slave PIO  
Secondary Master UDMA  
Secondary Slave UDMA  
IDE Prefetch Mode  
Init Display First  
OnChip USB  
USB Keyboard Support  
USB Mouse Support  
Serial - ATA  
SATA Spread Spectrum  
AC97 Audio  
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help  
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults  
Figure 2.6 Integrated Peripherals Screen  
3 Use the arrow keys to select the RAID Config (see Figure 2.6).  
4 Press Enter.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
The RAID Config screen appears.  
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility  
RAID Config  
Item Help  
RAID Enable  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Enabled]  
RAID [Disabled]  
SATA 1 Primary  
SATA 1 Secondary  
SATA 2 Primary  
Menu Level  
SATA 2 Secondary  
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help  
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults  
Figure 2.7 RAID Config Screen  
5 From the RAID Config window, globally enable RAID, then enable the SATA ports  
with disks that you want to use for RAID.  
If RAID is enabled globally but not enabled on the individual SATA port, disks on that  
port can only be used for non-RAID applications.  
In the example in Figure 2.7, three SATA ports are enabled, so the non-bootable RAID  
array can include up to 3 SATA disks. If there is a disk Connected to ʺSATA 2  
Secondaryʺ, it cannot be used for RAID.  
6 Press F10 to save the configuration and exit.  
The PC reboots.  
7 Enter the RAID BIOS Setup by pressing F10 when prompted, and proceed to set up the  
NVIDIA RAID BIOS as described in the next section.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
Configuring the NVIDIA RAID BIOS  
The NVIDIA RAID BIOS set up lets you choose the RAID type and which hard drives you  
want to make part of the array.  
Entering the RAID BIOS Setup:  
1 Wait until you see the RAID software prompting you to press F10.  
The RAID prompt appears as part of the system POST and boot process prior to  
loading of the OS. You have a few seconds to press F10 before the screen disappears.  
2 Press F10.  
The NVIDIA RAID Utility—Define a New Array screen appears (Figure 2.8).  
- Define a New Array -  
Striping Block:  
RAID Mode:  
Free Disks  
Array Disks  
Disk Model Name  
Disk Model Name  
1.1.M ST380023AS  
[ ] Add  
[ ] Del  
[F6] Back [F7] Finish [TAB] Navigate [ ] Select [ENTER] Popup  
Figure 2.8 NVIDIA RAID Utility  
By default, RAID Mode is set to Mirroring and Striping Block is set to Optimal.  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
Understanding the Define a New Array Window  
Use the Define a New Array window to  
• Select the RAID Mode  
• Set up the Striping Block  
• Specify which disks to use for the RAID Array  
The SATA ports are called channels and they are associated with adapters. The first  
digit in the Location field defines the adapter that the port is associated with. The 2nd  
digit defines the channel. (The ʺMʺ field,which used to specify Master or Slave, is  
Figure 2.9 Loc Column Information  
In Figure 2.9, 1.0. means the hard drive is attached to Adapter 1, Channel 0.  
The location, disk model and capacity fields should allow you to identify disks. It may be  
useful to try attaching a SATA hard drive to the ports provided with your platform and  
determine which location IDs are associated with SATA ports on your motherboard.  
Using the Define a New Array Screen  
If necessary, press the tab key to move from field to field until the appropriate field is  
• Selecting the RAID Mode  
By default, this is set to Mirroring. To change to a different RAID mode, press the down  
arrow key until the mode that you want appears in the RAID Mode box—either  
Mirroring, Striping, Spanning, Stripe Mirroring or RAID 5.  
Note: Not all RAID levels are supported on all platforms.  
• Selecting the Striping Block Size  
Striping block size is given in kilobytes, and affects how data is arranged on the disk. It  
is recommended to leave this value at the default Optimal, which is 64KB, but the  
values can be between 4 KB and 128 KB (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 KB)  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
Assigning the Disks  
The disks that you enabled from the RAID Config BIOS setup page appear in the Free  
Disks block. These are the drives that are available for use as RAID array disks.  
To designate a free disk to be used as a RAID array disk,  
1 Tab to the Free Disks section.  
The first disk in the list is selected  
2 Move it from the Free Disks block to the Array Disks block by pressing the right-  
arrow key (Æ).  
The first disk in the list is moved, and the next disk in the list is selected and ready to  
3 Continue pressing the right-arrow key (Æ) until all the disks that you want to use as  
RAID array disks appear in the Array Disks block.  
Figure 2.10 illustrates the Define a New Array screen after two disks have been  
assigned as RAID1 array disks.  
MediaShield Utility  
- Define a New Array -  
Striping Block:  
RAID Mode:  
Free Disks  
Array Disks  
Disk Model Name  
Disk Model Name  
[ ] Add  
[ ] Del  
[F6] Back [F7] Finish [TAB] Navigate [ ] Select [ENTER] Popup  
Figure 2.10 MediaShield Utility—Array Disks Assigned  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
Completing the RAID BIOS Setup  
1 After assigning your RAID array disks, press F7.  
The Clear disk array prompt appears.  
MediaShield Utility  
- Define a New Array -  
Striping Block:  
RAID Mode:  
Free Disks  
Array Disks  
Disk Model Name  
sk Model Name  
Clear disk data?  
[Y] YES [N] NO  
[ ] Del  
[F6] Back [F7] Finish [TAB] Navigate [ ] Select [ENTER] Popup  
Figure 2.11 Clear Disk Data Prompt  
2 Press Y to clear the disk data.  
The Array List screen appears, where you can review the RAID arrays that you have  
set up.  
MediaShield Utility  
- Array List -  
Boot Id Status  
Yes Healthy  
Array Model Name  
MIRROR 74.53G  
[Ctrl-X] Exit [ ] Select [B] Set Boot [N] New Array [ENTER] Detail  
Figure 2.12 Array List Window  
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Setting Up Your RAID Configuration  
3 Use the arrow keys to select the array that you want to set up, then press B to specify  
the array as bootable.  
4 Press Enter to view and verify details.  
The Array Detail screen appears.  
Array 2 : NVIDIA MIRROR 74.56G  
- Array Detail -  
RAID Mode: Mirroring  
Striping Width : 1  
Striping Block 32K  
Adapt Channel M/S  
Index Disk Model Name  
[R] Rebuild [D] Delete [C] Clear Disk [Enter] Return  
Figure 2.13 Array Detail Screen  
The Array Detail screen shows various information about the array that you selected,  
such as Striping Block used, RAID Mode, Striping Width, Disk Model Name, and disk  
5 If you want to mark this disk as empty and wipe out all its contents, press C.  
6 At the prompt, press Y to wipe out all the data, otherwise press N.  
7 Press Enter again to go back to the previous screen and then press F10 to exit the RAID  
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Chapter 3  
Rebuilding a Mirrored RAID HDD  
NOTE: When one of the RAID HDD fails, Windows Vista may not show a change of  
status in Disk Management in Administrative Tools.  
Below are the steps to rebuild the RAID storage solution.  
1. Press F10 during boot up to access the RAID utility.  
2. Identify the defective/degraded drive. The utility should only list the good drive.  
Once you replace the defective HDD, the RAID utility will mark both drives degraded.  
3. If the drive is defective, turn off the computer and replace it with one of identical size.  
4. Access the RAID utility again.  
5. Make sure the drive that is good is marked as bootable YES.  
6. Select the HDD that is defective.  
7. Delete the RAID Array.  
8. Select the HDD that you wish to make bootable.  
9. Select "(R) Rebuild" to Rebuild the RAID Array.  
10. Select Add  
11. Exit the RAID Utility Screen.  
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